Monday, August 22, 2005

the state WE'RE in

Its August 22nd.
God, we've come a long way.
I say "we" because I'm usually not alone when I live my adventures or learn the mountain top mentor philosophies of life.
A lot can happen in a year. A lot of adventures, a few philosophies. Many lessons learned.
About a year ago the earth had opened up and the world had fallen in and I had had to claw my way from burning pits of hell.
Other things that come to mind are as followed and should be noted in history, seeing as I will forget:
1. Megan's fiasco
2. The start of the 505/ a place to vent
3. Drunken finals
4. Broken illusions on State St. and "The People"
5. The rise of 505
6. Reconstruction, as in after the armies march in and destroy the land
7. Spring Break, Part 2
8. Investigation into Chris Miles
9. Hope in May
10. Realizations in August
>>>I'm going to try and write more on each of these in the future. This is a trailer.


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