Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Cardboard cut-outs

"I wish it was a late day in May."
"Why? What's wrong with August?"
"In May it still feels like there's hope, you have summer to look forward to."
"Sit back down."
I had stood up and she was still laying on the deck chair sun bathing. I sat on the corner of my own.
"Whats that?"
"Don't know. Found it."
Between my fingers I twirled a cardboard cut-out of a skull and cross bones, which I had found laying around.

So we're eating ice cream and its at night and there is a full moon and She (I capitalize because its a different 'she') says, "The moon looks like a cardboard cut-out, like a prop from a set." And I look at it and think "No shit, she's right" but at the same time don't say anything.
"Movies are fun," she says later that night.
And I'm in the mood to see a movie because they always have so much adventure and my life is in lacking of that.

So a year later I'm on the phone and She's screaming into the reciever.
We've been talking for ten minutes and I've maybe contributed two sentences of material, excluding "Hello".
She tells me of a dream She has.
She's in front of the store, where She works, and a man is robbing it and he runs out and She dives for cover and he gets in a car and makes a break for it. Another car rolls by and there are two of her friends in it and they yell "Get in."
"So I jump in. And we start to chase the guy. And he has a gun. And he's shooting at us. I have a gun too and I'm shooting back. I get him twice, in the chest but he's still alive and right when I'm about to finish him off...."
"I wake up"
I didn't put a period in that last piece of dialouge because She keeps talking. I'm up to three sentences contributed to the conversation, excluding "hello".

So I'm sitting on the deck chair and talking to her... not the her of the dream, a different her... and i've contributed about 75% of the entire conversation becuse this 'her' is a psychology major and asks you how your life is going and waits for a response and right now my life sucks, so I'm talking.
"There's something missing...."
"I think I need some more adventure in my life."
"Who dosn't?"
"Movie stars."
And I get up.
I think as I walk.

I miss cardboard cut-out nights.
I hate when I'm the one monopolizing the conversation.

It's hot out and I've been working all morning and don't feel like laying out. I leave feeling wasted and notice that I'm still holding the cardboard but its all bent up and "why the hell am I toying with this anyways"? I throw the skull and cross bones away as I pass a trash can.


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