Friday, April 22, 2005


In the summer there is a cool breeze that drifts throghout the valley. It clears your mind. Thats what the valley does to you, it helps you think.
The hills stretch for miles in every direction. The ruins of a castle lay at the top of one of the them. Thats your best view. France can be seen to the east, the wider mountains and plains of the Rheinland to your west. Sunset is the best time to get up there. Thats when the valley sparkles with glints of fire and orange light baths it all.
And its quiet.
Lets you think.
No car horns blasting, no sirenes screaming, no drunks shouting, no music blarring, no airplanes over head, no confusion. Only the trees and the breeze and a world that lets you exhale for a moment. And you forget everything. Everyone should spend five minutes up there, just five, to look down at the world.
I've been to beaches across the Agean and Adriatic, the Atlantic and Gulfs, Greece to Spain, Florida to California. Paradise dosn't need to be a beach. No. Just five minutes.
Just how you feel for a moment in your life.


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