Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The thorn bush in my head

"All of it?"
"Can't be right."
"Think about it."
"I am."
"It's all been tainted."
"You're all wrong, and I mean that."
"You're right. Everything is wrong."
"All of it. Everything you've ever done."
"I can't understand."
"How can you?"
"How do I do it?"
"Look at you, look at what you've become."
"Everything" "That" "I've" "Ever" "Done" "Has" "Ended" "In"
Failure. Some form of it anyways...
"Or is it?" "Remeber that we fall to learn to get back up."
I'm tired of learning.
"I can't think straight." "How can I?" "Its the internal monolouge, it'll do it to you." "Two voices, how do I figure it out with two voices?" "What needs to be figured out?" "Everything." "Everything is wrong." "Fix it." "How? Everything I start ends up falling apart." "And I want to know why." "But I just can't figure it out." "How many times have I set off on a mission? How many times have I accomplished it?"
"How did this happen?" "How could I have been so stupid?"
This internal monolouge is driving me crazy.


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