Sunday, October 16, 2005


Maybe its karma, he tells me; something else that we don't know about that makes the world tick.
I dunno, I guess. The way I see it, the whole world is driving on the highway of life and I've just veered off it. A sign I passed when I did said exit 20 to Somewhere, distance unkown.
That was about the time the road map flew out the open window.
So now I'm driving blind and, lets face it, I'm lost and have no idea where the hell I'm going.
Where is Somewhere?
Where am I right now?
He says that patience is the key and everything will be alright in the end. He's in the same boat as I am. He's a little more optimistic then I am.
"Maybe its karma," he says. "Maybe we've done something to piss someone off a whole, whole lot and now its coming back and doing us in the ass."
I can't think of what that "something" is. I tell him that I need a drink.
"Maybe you were black out drunk when you did it." He suggests.
"Yeah, maybe." I say and there's a scarry thought unfolding in my mind.
If I did then I guess I deserve this winding road of meloncoly.
"Yeah, it sucks. Don't really know what to do, though."
I don't either.
To keep the analogy going, I've been driving in the dark for a long time and have yet to see a road sign, and that makes any journeyman jittery.
Really, I'm just surprised that I have enough gas to get there...I think.


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